开拓者 - 学生领袖

Alicia Goh Li Xuan
Student Leader - Scouting and Evaluation
Singapore Management University

Gavriel Tan
Student Leader - International Roadshow and Outreach
University College London

Koh Yi Xuan
Student Leader - Fundraising
Singapore Management University

Kua Le Yi
Student Leader - Scouting and Evaluation
Singapore Management University

Lee Jia Yi
Student Leader - Marketing Communications
Singapore Management University

Leong Mun Kit
Student Leader - Scouting and Evaluation
Singapore Management University

Lye Jia Jun
Student Leader - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Pranav Krishna
Student Leader - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Sherlin Choo Zhi Yi
Student Leader - DueAI Challenge
Singapore Management University

Sivaghami Lakshmanan
Student Leader - Local Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Tania Lee Gunawan
Student Leader - Marketing Communications
Singapore Management University

Alicia Tung
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Amadeus Chong
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
University College London

Basavesh Choukimath
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Binh Nguyen To
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

Chong Li Han
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Dhwanii Deepak Kumar
Student Organising Committee - Scouting and Evaluation
Global Schools Group

Ethan Widjaja
Student Organising Committee - Scouting and Evaluation
National University of Singapore

Genevieve Lim
Student Organising Committee - Scouting and Evaluation
The London School of Economics and Political Science

Huang Li Shan
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Khadijah Syahidah Pinardi
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Kimberley Shanon Annabelle Ganap
Student Organising Committee - Marketing Communications
Singapore Management University

Leo Zheng Kai
Student Organising Committee - DueAI Challenge
Singapore Management University

Lim Kok Sean
Student Organising Committee - Marketing Communications
Nanyang Technological University

Lim Zi En
Student Organising Committee - Scouting and Evaluation
Singapore Management University

Loh May Shann
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
University College London

Marcus Ng Zi-Tjen
Student Organising Committee - Marketing Communications
Singapore Management University

Omar El-Habbak
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
University of Strathclyde

Pranjal Sheth
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
University of Houston

Shannon He
Student Organising Committee - Scouting and Evaluation
National University of Singapore

Shehani Tharushika Senadheera
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Varya Chugh
Student Organising Committee - Marketing Communications
Nanyang Technological University

Vidya Vaishnavi Suppiah
Student Organising Committee - International Roadshow and Outreach
Singapore Management University

Vishal Menon
Student Organising Committee - Fundraising
University of London

Wang Jiaxin
Student Organising Committee - Fundraising
Singapore Management University
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