Trailblazers - Judges
The Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition (LKYGBPC) is honoured to onboard an esteemed international judging panel comprising leaders from industry, academia, venture capital firms, and government establishments.
The mission of LKYGBPC is to identify the revolutionary top 50 or RVTL50 deep-tech university startups from thousands of global applicants—and to celebrate the most influential change-makers within this group. The panel of international judges plays a critical role in upholding the highest standards of evaluation, ensuring a rigorous and impartial selection process.
A subset of the over 200 international judges supporting the LKYGBPC is featured below.

Mario Fernandez
Head of Catalyst
Breakthrough Energy [US]

Joyce Ng
General Partner
iGlobe Partners [Singapore]

Cyril Ebersweiler
General Partner
SOSV [Singapore]

Donald LUM
Director, IT
Green Climate FUND [South Korea]

Prof Shlomo Magdassi
Professor of Chemistry
Hebrew University of Jerusalem [Israel]

Prof Catherine Morency
Canada Research Chair in the Mobility of People
Polytechnique Montréal [Canada]

Prof Paul Davidson
Director, Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation

Prof Romildo D. Toledo Filho
UFRJ Science Park [Brazil]

Asia Senior Investment Director for Environment / Sustainable Development
Schneider Electric [Singapore]

Executive Vice President
Foresight and Innovation, FutureTales Lab, MQDC [Thailand]

Dr Lee Shiang Long
Group CTO
ST Engineering [Singapore]

Genevieve Soh
Chief Product & Strategy Officer
Climate Impact X [Singapore]

Frank Levinson
Co-Founder and General Partner
Convergent Ventures [US]

Shingo Hori
Managing Director
Kajima Ventures Pte Ltd [Singapore]

Dr LEE Song Hao
Associate Director
Vertex Holdings [Singapore]

James Tang
Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers (KPCB) [China]

Prof Tuuli Toivonen
University of Helsinki [Finland]

Prof Carolina Rojas Quezada
Director of R&D
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile [Chile]

Prof Kerry Kirwan
Deputy Pro-Vice Cancellor (Research)
University of Warwich [UK]

Prof Neven Duić
Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair
University of Zagreb [Croatia]

Wanweera Rachdawong
Thailand Management Association (TMA) [Thailand]

Caroline Liow
Managing Director
Deutsche Bank [Singapore]

Seungho Lee
DeltaTech-Korea [South Korea]

Jose Arnulfo Batac
Senior Assistant Vice President - Corporate Ventures
Metaworld Corporation [Philippines]

Jeffrey Paine
Founding Managing Partner
Golden Gate Ventures [Singapore]

Farhan Firdaus
Meet Ventures [Singapore]

Neha Poddar
Good Startup [Singapore]

Andrew Hyung
CFO / Director
Valuence Ventures [US]

Prof. Hadas Mamane
Tel Aviv U [Israel]

Dr Chun-Ting LIN
COO, Operations Center for Industry Collaboration
National Tsing Hua University [Taiwan]

Prof Peter D. Lund
Professor, Department of Applied Physics and Professor
Aalto University [Finland]

Prof George Georghiou
Professor and Director
University of Cyprus [Cyprus]

David Golding
Head of Global Innovation Partnerships
Innovate UK [UK]

Mr NG Keng Wei
Group Director & CTO
NEA [Singapore]

Dr Einar Olavi MANTYLA
Auðna Tæknitorg (TTO Iceland) [Iceland]

Dr Ng Wai Kiong
Executive Director, ISCE2
A*STAR [Singapore]

Prof Lee Pooi See
Vice President (International Engagement) President's Chair in Materials Science and Engineering Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering
NTU [Singapore]

Prof Xiwang Zhang
Director of UQ Dow Centre, and Director of ARC Centre of Excellence for Electrochemical Transformation of Carbon Dioxide (GetCO2)
University of Queensland [Australia]

Dr Nikhil Agarwal
Managing Director, FITT-IITDelhi
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi [India]

Prof. Stephen Cummings
Professor of Innovation
Victoria University of Well