1. Grand Winner: Spectra Plasmonics from Queens University (Kingston, Canada)
A cost-effective solution that aids ultrasensitive chemical detection in areas of food and water contamination, and provides defence against illegal drugs and terrorism agents.
Visit their website: http://spectraplasmonics.com/
2. Health Category Winner: Cambridge Cancer Genomics from University of Cambridge & Kings College London (Cambridge, UK)
CCG combines deep profiling of a tumour prior to treatment with rapidly produced personalized point of care assays for treatment tracking.
Visit their website: https://www.ccg.ai/
3. Health Category Best Presentation / Renasas Synergy Platform IOT Award: Aevice Health from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore, Singapore)
AEvice Health develops a wearable medical device that provides doctors and patients with alternative hard data to assess, diagnose, and detect asthma & asthma attacks earlier.
Visit their website: https://www.aevice.com/
4. Service Category Winner: Elephant Chain (now known as Yunphant BlockChain) from Zhejiang University, National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University & Singapore University of Technology and Design (Hangzhou, China & Singapore, Singapore)
Elephant Chain is a consortium blockchain platform for enterprises to build blockchain applications.
Visit their website: https://www.yunphant.com/about/enterprise
5. Service Category Runner Up: Wriggle Solutions from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna & Santa Clara University (Empoli, Italy)
SMART Tyre is a disruptive innovation in automotive safety capable of measuring the tread depth of tyres through sensing technologies, as well as diagnosing possible damages, deformations and flat tyres.
Visit their website: http://www.wrigglesolutions.com/
6. Service Category Best Presentation: Evisort from Harvard Law School (Boston, US)
Evisort’s platform brings together industry-leading workflow & document management solutions for legal companies.
Visit their website: https://www.evisort.com/
7. Renesas Synergy Platform IOT Award: Hexagro Urban Farming from University of Southern Denmark & Polytechnic University of Milan (Milano, Italy & Odense, Denmark)
Hexagro Urban Farming develops and manufactures modular and soilless configurable gardens to produce healthy food in any indoor environment.
Visit their website: https://www.hexagrourbanfarming.com/
8. hawa dawa from Technical University Munich, Free University of Berlin, University of New York & Boston University (Munich, Germany & Boston, US)
Provides remote, real-time & in-situ air quality data anywhere & anytime with CE-certified technology.
Visit their website: https://www.hawadawa.com/
9. KSF.LLC (Root Co. , Ltd.) from University of Oxford & University of Tokyo (Oxford, UK & Tokyo, Japan)
ROOT is the world’s first remote and interactive farming platform for users to learn and enjoy agriculture from anywhere, at any time, through smart devices.
Visit their website: http://root-farm.com/
10. Klarity from Harvard University & MIT (Cambridge, US)
Klarity uses Artificial Intelligence to automate Billing & RevRec contract review for SaaS and Software companies.
Visit their website: https://www.tryklarity.com/
11. Marine Nexus from Singapore Management University (Singapore, Singapore)
A one-stop maritime online platform where vessels, marine equipment, and services can be sourced easily and cheaply.
Visit their website: www.shippglobal.com
12. Airmee from KTH Royal Institute of Technology & Stockholm School of Economics (Stockholm, Sweden)
Airmee is a technological logistics platform that optimizes courier vehicles in real-time.
Visit their website: https://www.airmee.com/
13. OMNi (now known as Argon) from Singapore University of Technology and Design & Singapore Management University (Singapore, Singapore)
A smart motorcycle helmet capable of increasing its user's situational awareness and providing rider-specific data for a better riding experience.
Visit their website: https://www.argontransform.com/
14. Biobot labs from MIT (Cambridge, US)
Biobot Labs transforms waste infrastructure into a public health observatory by developing a pipeline of robotics, tailored biochemical assays, and analytics to extract data on human health and behavior.
Visit their website: https://www.biobot.io/
15. Regit from SIM, York University & De La Selle University (Singapore, Singapore)
Regit is a B2B SaaS that simplifies how businesses and customers exchange information, eliminating redundancies & keeping customer contact data clean.
Visit their website: https://regit.today/About
16. Zenjoi from Grand Canyon University & Harvard University (Cambridge, US & Phoenix, US)
ZenjoiVR is a calming and therapeutic virtual environment for dementia patients, built on the principles of music therapy, reminiscence therapy, and simulated presence therapy.
Visit their website: http://www.zenjoi.com/
17. Z Imaging Inc (now known as Zeta Surgical) from Harvard University (Cambridge, US)
KRATOSTM is an augmented reality toolkit allowing surgeons to virtually see inside of their patients to make image-guided surgeries dramatically safer and faster.
Visit their website: https://www.zetasurgical.com/
18. Droice Labs from Columbia University (New York, US)
Droice Labs brings the power of artificial intelligence to hospitals with personalized predictions of how a given treatment will perform for a given patient.
Visit their website: https://droicelabs.com/
19. Teratonix from Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, US)
Teratonix is able to harvest broad-band RF energy to power majority of the emerging IoT sensors, processors, and their wireless communications. Teratonix RF energy harvester can replace batteries and is truly maintenance-free.
Visit their website: https://www.teratonix.com/

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