BLAZE 总决赛周


围绕主题:创新无边界,这是未来最开明的发明家的聚会!观看决赛入围者的现场呈现并争夺价值超过 250 万美元的奖品!

每个 RVLT50 决赛团队的两名成员将前往新加坡参加 9月11日至15日在新加坡管理大学举行的备受期待的 BLAZE。

BLAZE 是一项为期一周的活动,带来代际网络、小组讨论、实地考察和辅导会议,形成一个促进学习、协作和成长的环境。此次活动还将为众多跨国公司总部所在地新加坡打开商机之门。


围绕主题:创新无边界,这是未来最开明的发明家的聚会!观看决赛入围者的现场呈现并争夺价值超过 250 万美元的奖品!

每个 RVLT50 决赛团队的两名成员将前往新加坡参加 9月11日至15日在新加坡管理大学举行的备受期待的 BLAZE。

BLAZE 是一项为期一周的活动,带来代际网络、小组讨论、实地考察和辅导会议,形成一个促进学习、协作和成长的环境。此次活动还将为众多跨国公司总部所在地新加坡打开商机之门。



Blaze Agenda



主宾新加坡副总理兼经济政策统筹部长 - 王瑞杰先生 和 经纬中国创始管理合伙人 - David Su

由新加坡管理大学合作与参与(Partnerships and Engagement)Vice President、传播与技术教授 Sun Sun Lim 教授主持



SMU 和 TikTok 联合呈现:特别环节

聆听TikTok首席执行官Shou Chew先生讲述自己的灵感见解,以及对创新、科技和青年创业的见解!

“Entering LKYGBPC is one of our earliest steps to go international, and it proved to be a good start. SMU continued to provide various supports and benefits even after the competition, which made joining LKYGBPC even more worthwhile.”

- CytoNiche, 10th LKYGBPC Finalist & Best Professor-Student Team Winner 

“LKYGBPC is a truly global pitching competition. Just the journey from the first round until the global final taught us so much, and forced us to think about important questions in company building. Kudos to SMU for organizing such a world-class event!” 

- Polybee, 10th LKYGBPC Finalist & DBS Tech for Impact Prize winner

“We’ve been completely impressed with the competition. The quality of the judges has been incredible. We had some great feedback for Relectify and it has been a really good start on what we can take to the next step, and we’re excited about the next opportunity!"


- Relectrify, 10th LKYGBPC Finalist & Infinity Prize Winner


“Our biggest takeaway is the learnings and self-reflection after the quality quotients that come from these domain experts who are VCs or industry experts on the judging panel.”


- Wavescan, 10th LKYGBPC Finalist & Chancellor Cup Winner


Open Item

Thought leadership panel discussions with innovators & industry experts

Open Item

One-to-one advice with 50 senior venture capitalists

Open Item

An evening of art & tech installations, food stands, open bar, live music and performances!